List of publications by users of RCPCE Profession-specific Corpora

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(Last updated on: 29 September 2016)


RCPCE Profession-specific Corpora

     * Hong Kong Corpus of Spoken English (HKCSE)
     * Hong Kong Corpus of Surveying and Construction Engineering (HKCSCE)
     * Hong Kong Engineering Corpus (HKEC)
     * Hong Kong Financial Services Corpus (HKFSC)
     * Hong Kong Budget Corpus 1997 - 2018
     * Hong Kong Policy Address Corpus 1997 - 2018
     * Hong Kong Corpus of Corporate Governance Reports (HKCCGR)
     * Hong Kong Corpus of Corruption Prevention (HKCCP)
     * Corpus of Research Articles 2007 (CRA2007)
     * Corpus of Journal Articles 2014 (CJA2014)


1.    Journal articles


Quammie–Wallen, P. (2019). Vague language in Hong Kong English, ‘something like that.’ English Today, 37(1), 13–25.

Malakhovskaya, M., Beliaeva, L., & Kamshilova, O. (2021). Teaching noun-phrase composition in eap/esp context: A corpus-assisted approach to overcome a didactic gap. Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes, 9(2), pp. 257-266.


Yoon, Soyeon (2020). The Learner Corpora of Spoken English: What Has Been Done and What Should Be Done? Language Research, 56(1), pp. 29-51. Language Education Research Center, Seoul National University (HKCSE)


Quammie–Wallen, P. (2019). Vague language in Hong Kong English, ‘Something like that’: A comparative corpus investigation into a defining feature of English in Hong Kong. English Today, 1-13. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/S0266078419000415 (HKCSE)

Wan, Y.N. Jenny (2019). Functions of Frequently Used Back Channels in a Corpus of Intercultural Conversations between Hong Kong Chinese (HKC) and native English Speakers (NES). Journal of Intercultural Communication, 46. (HKCSE)


Warren, M., & Leung, M. (2016). Do collocational frameworks have local grammars? International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 21(1), 1-27. (HKEC and HKFSC)


Cheng, W. (2015). Utility specialist in Hong Kong: A corpus study of perception of communicative competence. Corpus Linguistics Research, 1, 21-51. (HKCSCE)


Warren, M., & Leung, M. (2013). At any time after any proceedings ...: Why is any so frequent in legal texts? International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse, 3(2), 70-102. (HKEC and HKFSC)


Cheng, W., & Leung, M. (2012). Exploring phraseological variations by concgramming: The realization of complete patterns of variations, Linguistic Research, 29(3), 617-638. Institute for the Study of Language and Information, Kyung Hee University, South Korea. (HKEC and HKFSC)

Lin, L., & Evans, S. (2012). Structural patterns in empirical research articles: A cross-disciplinary study. English for Specific Purposes, 31(3), 150-160. (CRA)


Lam, P. (2010). Discourse particles in corpus data and textbooks: The case of well. Applied Linguistics, 31(2), 260-281. (HKCSE)

Lam, P. (2010). Toward a functional framework for discourse particles: A comparison of well and so. Text & Talk, 30(6), 657-677. (HKCSE)

Warren, M. (2010). Online corpora for specific purposes. ICAME Journal, 34, 169-188. (HKEC and HKFSC)


Cheng, W., Greaves, C., Sinclair, J. McH, & Warren, M. (2009). Uncovering the extent of the phraseological tendency: Towards a systematic analysis of concgrams. Applied Linguistics, 30(2), 236-252. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., & Tsui, A. (2009) ‘ahh ((laugh)) well there is no comparison between the two I think’: How do Hong Kong Chinese and native speakers of English disagree with each other. Journal of Pragmatics, 41, 2365-2380. (HKCSE)

Lam, P. (2009). The effect of text type on the use of so as a discourse particle. Discourse Studies, 11(3), 353-372. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W. (2007). Concgramming: A corpus-driven approach to learning the phraseology of discipline-specific texts. CORELL: Computer Resources for Language Learning, 1, 22-35. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (2007). Checking understandings: Comparing textbooks and a corpus of Spoken English in Hong Kong. Language Awareness, 16(3), 190-207. (HKCSE)

Greaves, C., & Warren M. (2007). Concgramming: A computer-driven approach to learning the phraseology of English. ReCALL Journal, 19(3), 287-306. (HKCSE, HKEC and HKFSC)

Warren, M. (2007). An initial corpus-driven analysis of the language of call-centre operators and customers. ESP Across Cultures, 4, 80-100. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W. (2006). Describing the extended meanings of lexical cohesion in a corpus of SARS spoken discourse. In J. Flowerdew & M. Mahlberg (Eds.), Special issue of International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 11(3), 325-344. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., Greaves, C., & Warren, M. (2006). From n-gram to skipgram to concgram. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 11(4), 411-433. doi: 10.1075/ijcl.11.4.04che (HKCSE)

Lam, P. (2006). Well but that’s the effect of it: The use of well as a discourse particle in talk shows. Sprache und Datenverarbeitung (International Journal for Language Data Processing), 30(1), 99-108. (HKCSE)

Warren, M. (2006). because of the role of er front office um in hotel: Lexical cohesion and discourse intonation. In J. Flowerdew & M. Mahlberg (Eds.), Special issue of International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 11(3), 169-187. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W., Greaves, C., & Warren, M. (2005). The creation of a prosodically transcribed intercultural corpus: The Hong Kong Corpus of Spoken English (prosodic). International Computer Archive of Modern English (ICAME) Journal, 29, 47-68. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (2005). // ä CAN i help you //: The use of rise and rise-fall tones in the Hong Kong Corpus of Spoken English. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 10(1), 85-107. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W. (2004). ‘well thank you David for that question’: The intonation, pragmatics and structure of Q&A sessions in public discourses. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 1(2), 109-133. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (2003). Indirectness, inexplicitness and vagueness made clearer. Pragmatics, 13(3), 381-400. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W. (2003). Humour in intercultural conversation. Semiotica, 146(1/4), 287-306. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (2002). The intonation of declarative-mood questions in a corpus of Hong Kong English: // æä beef ball // à you like //. Teanga: Journal of the Irish Association of Applied Linguistics. Special Issue of Corpora, Varieties and the Language Classroom, 21, 151-165. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (2001). “She knows more about Hong Kong than you do isn’t it”: Tags in Hong Kong conversational English. Journal of Pragmatics, 33(9), 1419-1439. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (2001). The functions of actually in a corpus of intercultural conversations. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 6(2), 257-280. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (2001). The use of vague language in intercultural conversations in Hong Kong. English World-Wide, 22(1), 81-104. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W. (1999). Constructing and negotiating ideologies of race and ethnicity in intercultural conversations. Anglistica, English and the Other, 3(1), 15-31. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (1999). Facilitating a description of intercultural conversations: The Hong Kong Corpus of Conversational English. International Computer Archive of Modern English (ICAME) Journal, 20, 5-20. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (1999). Inexplicitness: What is it and should we be teaching it? Applied Linguistics, 20(3), 293-315. (HKCSE)


2.    Books


Friginal, E., & Hardy, J. A. (Eds.). (2021). The routledge handbook of corpus approaches to discourse analysis. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.


Cheng, W. (2012). Exploring corpus linguistics: Language in action. London: Routledge. (HKCSE, HKCCS, HKEC, HKFCS, The Hong Kong Budget Speeches Corpus and The Hong Kong Policy Address Speeches Corpus)


Cheng, W., Greaves, C., & Warren, M. (2008). A corpus-driven study of discourse intonation. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W. (2003). Intercultural conversation. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. (HKCSE)


3.    Book chapters


Koester A. (2020). English for Occupational Purposes. In Chapelle C.A. (Ed.), The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (pp. 431). Wiley-Blackwell. (HKCSE)


Bondi, M. (2017). Corpus Linguistics. In Edda Weigand (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Dialogue (pp. 46-61). Routledge. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W. (2015). Discourse intonation: A corpus-driven study of prominence on pronouns. In D. Biber & R. Reppen (Eds.), Cambridge handbook of English corpus linguistics (pp. 75-89). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., & O’Keeffe, A. (2015). Vagueness. In K. Aijmer & C. Rühlemann (Eds.), Corpus pragmatics: A handbook (pp. 360-378). UK; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., & Seto, A. (2015). ‘Thanks a bunch’: Cross-cultural comparison of the speech act of thanking. In S. Gesuato, F. Bianchi, & W. Cheng (Eds.), Teaching, learning and investigating about Pragmatics: Principles, methods and practices (pp. 363-386). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (HKCSE)

Warren, M. (2015). Data-driven learning. In F. Farr & L. Murray (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of language learning and technology (pp. 128-139). London: Routledge. (HKCSE, HKEC and HKFSC)

Warren, M. (2015). “yeah so that’s why I ask you to er check”: (Im)politeness strategies when disagreeing. In S. Ruhi & Y. Aksan (Eds.), Perspectives on (Im)politeness: Issues and Methodologies (pp. 106-121) Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W. (2014). Corpus analyses of professional discourse. In V. Bhatia & S. Bremner (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of language and professional communication (pp. 13-25). London and New York: Routledge. (HKCSE, CRA, HKFSC, HKEC)

Cheng, W. (2014). Using concgrams to investigate research article sections. In M.  Gotti & D. S. Giannoni (Eds.), Corpus analysis for descriptive and pedagogical purposes: ESP perspectives (pp. 63-84). Bern: Peter Lang. (CRA)


Cheng, W. (2013). The pragmatics of Q&A interactions in public electronic and media discourses. In Y. L. Pan & D. Z. Kádár (Eds.), Chinese discourse and interaction: Theory and practice (pp. 248-270). Sheffield, UK: Equinox.

Warren, M. (2013). Collocation. In C.A. Chapelle (Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. (HKEC and HKFSC)

Warren, M. (2013). I mean I only really wanted to dry me towels because ...: Organisational frameworks across modes, registers, and genres. In M. Charles, N. Groom & S. John (Eds.), Corpora, grammar, text and discourse (pp. 181-199). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (HKCSE, HKEC and HKFSC)


Cheng, W. & Lam, P. (2012). Prosody in discourse. In J. P. Gee & M. Handford (Eds.), Routledge handbook of discourse analysis (pp. 271-284). London; New York: Routledge. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., Greaves, C., Sinclair, J. McH, & Warren, M. (2012). Uncovering the extent of the phraseological tendency: Towards a systematic analysis of concgrams. In D. Biber, & R. Reppen (Eds), Corpus linguistics, Volume 1 Lexical studies (pp. 225-242). London: Sage Publications.

Warren, M. (2012). Corpora: Specialized. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics (pp. 1191-1200). New York: John Wiley. (HKEC and HKFSC)

Warren, M. (2012). Professional and workplace settings. In J. Jackson (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of language and intercultural communication (pp. 481-495). London: Routledge. (HKEC and HKFSC)


Cheng, W. (2011). Empowering independent learners: Hong Kong Professional Corpora. In H. Rohany, H. Osman, & R. Nair (Eds.), Texturing ELT for new world realities: Selected papers from the 2nd Malaysian International Conference on Academic Strategies in English Language Teaching (pp. 13-31). Malaysia: University Publication Centre, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (HKEC and HKFSC)

Cheng, W. (2011). ‘Excellence always’: A genre analysis of engineering company brochures. In R. Salvi & H. Tanaka (Eds.), Intercultural interactions in business and management (pp. 45-72). Bern: Peter Lang. (HKCSCE)

Cheng, W., & Lam, P. (2011). Prosody in discourse. In J. P. Gee & M. Handford (Eds.), Routledge handbook of discourse analysis (pp. 271-284). London: Routledge. (HKCSE)

Warren, M. (2011). Using corpora in the learning and teaching of phraseological variation. In A. Frankenberg-Garcia, L. Flowerdew, & G. Aston (Eds.), New trends in corpora and language learning (pp. 153-166). London: Continuum. (HKEC and HKFSC)


Cheng, W. (2010). Hong Kong Engineering Corpus: Empowering professionals-in-training to learn the language of their profession. In M. C. Campoy-Cubillo, B. Bellés-Fortuño, & M. L. Gea-Valor (Eds.), Corpus-based approaches to English language teaching (pp. 67-78). London and New York: Continuum. (HKEC)

Cheng, W. (2010). What can a corpus tell us about language teaching? In M. McCarthy & A. O'Keeffe (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of corpus linguistics (pp. 319-332). London: Routledge. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., & Cheng, P. (2010). Correcting others and self-repair in business and professional discourse and textbooks. In A. Trosborg & K. K. Luke (Eds.), Pragmatics across languages and cultures (pp. 443-466). Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. (HKCSE)

Greaves, C., & Warren, M. (2010). What can a corpus tell us about multi-word units? In A. O’Keeffe & M. McCarthy (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of corpus linguistics (pp. 212-226). London: Routledge. (HKCSE, HKEC and HKFSC)

Warren, M. (2010). Determining aboutgrams in engineering texts. In M. Bondi & M. Scott (Eds.), Keyness in text (pp. 113-126). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (HKEC)


Cheng, W. (2009). Describing the extended meanings of lexical cohesion in a corpus of SARS spoken discourse. In J. Flowerdew & M. Mahlberg (Eds.), Lexical cohesion and corpus linguistics (pp. 65-83). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W. (2009). Income/interest/net: Using internal criteria to determine the aboutness of a text. In K. Aijmer (Ed.), Corpora and language teaching (pp. 157-177). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. (HKFSC)

Cheng, W. (2009). ‘thank you’: How do conversationalists in Hong Kong express gratitude? In B. Fraser & K. Turner (Eds.), Language in life, and a life in language: Jacob Mey A frestshrift (pp. 39-48).UK: Emerald. (HKCSE)

Lam, P. (2009). What a difference the prosody makes: The role of prosody in the study of discourse particles. In D. Barth-Weingarten, N. Dehé, & A. Wichmann (Eds.), Where prosody meets pragmatics (pp. 107-126). Bingley: Emerald. (HKCSE)

Warren, M. (2009). Why concgram? In C. Greaves ConcGram 1.0: A phraseological search engine (pp. 1-11). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (HKCSE, HKEC and HKFSC)


Cheng, W. (2008). A corpus study of pitch concord. In a cura di M. Pettorino, A. Giannini, M. Vallone, & R. Savy (Eds.), La comunicazione parlata (Spoken communication) (pp. 58-73). Naples: Liguori Editore. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W. (2008). Co-constructing prejudiced talk: Ethnic stereotyping in intercultural communication between Hong Kong Chinese and English-speaking westerners. In A. M. Y. Lin (Ed.), Problematizing identity: Everyday struggles in language, culture and education (pp. 171-191). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (2008). // à ONE country two SYStems //: The discourse intonation patterns of word associations. In A. Ädel & R. Reppen (Eds.), Corpora and discourse: The challenges of different settings (pp. 135-153). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. (HKCSE)

Warren, M. (2008). Cohesive chains and speakers’ choice of prominence. In J. Flowerdew & M. Mahlberg (Eds.), Lexical cohesion and corpus linguistics (pp. 45-63). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (A reprint of the following journal article: Warren, M. (2006). because of the role of er front office um in hotel: Lexical cohesion and discourse intonation. Special issue of International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 11(3), 169-187). (HKCSE)

Warren, M. (2008). The communicative role of the level tone. In La Comunicazione Parlata (Spoken Communication) (pp. 334-347). Naples: Liguori Editore. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W. (2007). Discourse patterns in intercultural conversations. In B. Kraft & R. Geluykens (Eds.), Cross-cultural pragmatics and interlanguage English (pp. 221-242). Muenchen: Lincom Europa. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W. (2007). ‘Sorry to interrupt, but …’: Pedagogical implications of a spoken corpus. In M. C. Campoy-Cubillo & M. J. Luzon (Eds.), Spoken corpora in applied linguistics (pp. 199-216). Bern: Peter Lang. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W. (2007). The use of vague language across spoken genres in an intercultural corpus. In J. Cutting (Ed.), Vague language explored (pp. 161-181). London: Palgrave Macmillan. (HKCSE)

Warren, M. (2007). { / [ OH ] not a < ^ LOT > }: Discourse intonation and vague language. In J. Cutting (Ed.), Vague language explored (pp. 182-197). Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (2006). I would say be very careful of…: Opine markers in an intercultural Business corpus of spoken English. In J. Bamford & M. Bondi (Eds.), Managing interaction in professional discourse:  Intercultural and interdiscoursal perspectives (pp. 46-58). Rome: Officina Edizioni. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (2005). // ® well I have a DIFferent // æ THINking you know //: A corpus-driven study of disagreement in Hong Kong business discourse.  In F. Bargiela-Chiappini & M. Gotti (Eds.), Asian business discourse(s) (pp. 241-270). Frankfurt am main: Peter Lang. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W. (2004). // à did you TOOK // ä from the miniBAR //: What is the practical relevance of a corpus-driven language study to practitioners in Hong Kong’s hotel industry? In U. Connor & T.A. Upton (Eds.), Discourse in the professions (pp. 141-166). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W. (2004). // à FRIENDS // æä LAdies and GENtlemen //: Some preliminary findings from a corpus of spoken public discourses in Hong Kong. In U. Connor & T. A. Upton (Eds.), Applied corpus linguistics: A multidimensional perspective (pp. 35-50). Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi. (HKCSE)

Warren, M. (2004). // æ so what have YOU been WORking on REcently //: Compiling a Specialized Corpus of Spoken Business English. In U. Connor & T. Upton (Eds.), Discourse in the professions: Perspectives from corpus linguistics (pp. 115-140). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (HKCSE)

Warren, M. (2004). A corpus-driven analysis of the use of intonation to assert dominance and control. In U. Connor & T. Upton (Eds.), Applied corpus linguistics: A multidimensional perspective (pp. 21-33). Rodopi. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (2000). The Hong Kong Corpus of Spoken English: Language learning through language description. In L. Burnard, & T. McEnery (Eds.), Rethinking language pedagogy from a corpus perspective (pp. 133-144). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. (HKCSE)


4.     Conference proceedings and working papers


Lin, Fu-Ying (2017). A Case Study of Adjective-Noun Combination Used in Spoken Academic English. Actes des 9èmes Journées Internationales de la Linguistique de corpus, 31-35. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W. (2014). Metaphors in financial analyst reports. 4th CELC Symposium Proceedings, 31-35. (HKFSC)


Cheng, W. (2011). Company brochures: The self and the other in semantic categories. An International Workshop on Linguistics of BA and The 11th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 10-11 December 2011. (HKFSC)


Cheng, W. (2009). Hong Kong Engineering Corpus: Towards the computer-assisted investigation of English phraseology. The First International Conference on Utility Management and Safety Abstracts and Full Papers (pp. 32-38). Hong Kong, 1-4 March 2009. (HKEC)

Cheng, W. (2009). Using a specialized corpus of Engineering English for ESP practice. In P. Robertson, R. Nunn, & P. Huang (Eds.), 1st Asian ESP Conference Proceedings, Chongqing University, China, 29-31 October 2009 (pp. 43-57). Australia: Time Taylor International Ltd. ISSN 1833-2994. (HKCSCE)


Warren, M. (2008). A data-driven approach to learning and teaching phraseology. Proceedings of the 8th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference (pp. 316-320). Lisbon, Portugal. (HKEC and HKFSC)


Cheng, W. (2004). Lexical cohesion across turns in a corpus of spoken English. Proceedings of the sixth TALC (Teaching and Language Corpora Conference) Conference (pp. 21-22). Department of English and German Languages, University of Granada, Spain, 6-9 July 2004. (HKCSE)

Warren, M. (2004). A corpus-driven study of the relationship between intonation and lexical cohesion in spoken English. Proceedings of the sixth TALC (Teaching and Language Corpora Conference) Conference (pp. 21-22). Department of English and German Languages, University of Granada, Spain. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (2003). The use of intonation to assert dominance and control across different genres. Eighth International Symposium on Social Communication, Discourse & Dialog, 2, 1325-1330. Centre for Applied Linguistics, Santiago de Cuba, 20-24 January 2003. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W. (2001). Jocular interactions in intercultural conversations. The First Seoul International Conference on Discourse and Cognitive Linguistics: Perspectives for the 21st Century (pp. 728-736). Seoul, Korea June 9-10, 2001. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (2001). “and then some hot one”: Manifestations of imprecision and non-specificity in conversations. The First Seoul International Conference on Discourse and Cognitive Linguistics: Perspectives for the 21st Century (pp. 768-780). Seoul, Korea, June 9-10, 2001. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (2000). A corpus-driven approach to learning spoken academic, business and social English. 12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, AILA '99 Tokyo, Japan. CD-ROM, Disc 3. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (2000). The Hong Kong Corpus of Spoken English: Analyzing and describing spoken intercultural discourses. AILA ’99 Conference Proceedings. Tokyo University, Japan, CD-Rom 3. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (2000). Using a corpus of intercultural spoken English as a learning and teaching resource: The case of the discourse marker well. Proceedings of the '98 International Conference on Teaching English at Tertiary Level in the Chinese Context (pp. 374-391). (HKCSE)


Cheng, W. (1998). Learning how and when to speak indirectly. Proceedings of Teaching and Language Corpora 98 (pp. 33-41). Keble College, Oxford University, Oxford, U.K. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (1998). Exploiting the Hong Kong Corpus of Spoken English for research, learning and teaching Purposes. Proceedings of Teaching and Language Corpora 98 (pp. 205-212). Keble College, Oxford University, Oxford, U.K. (HKCSE)


Cheng, W., Warren, M., Bradshaw, J., Greaves, C., Pellowe, J., & Setter, J. (1996/97). Compiling a Hong Kong corpus of conversational English. HKPU Working Papers in ELT and Applied Linguistics, 2(2), 1-20. (HKCSE)

Cheng, W., Warren, M., Bradshaw, J., Greaves, C., Pellowe, J., & Setter, J. (1996). A corpus-based study of the conversational English of non-native speakers in Hong Kong. Annual Report of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University 1996. (HKCSE)


5.    PhD Theses

Seto, Wood Hung Andy (2016). A corpus-driven study of speech acts in the Hong Kong Corpus of Spoken English. Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

Sui, Xin (2016). Local grammars of movement in financial English. Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

Leung, Maggie (In progress). The use of phrasal verbs in engineering: A corpus-based of phraseological variation. Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

Lin, Hin Sze (2008). Questions and responses in business communication in Hong Kong. Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

Lam, P. (2008). Discourse particles in an intercultural corpus of spoken English. Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.