Hong Kong Corpus of Spoken English
Annotated Speech Act Corpus

Welcome to the Hong Kong Corpus of Spoken English annotated Speech Act Corpus (HKCSE-SAC).

The HKCSE-SAC is an annotated Speech Acts corpus based on the Hong Kong Corpus of Spoken English (HKCSE).

Please cite the HKCSE with following information:


Cheng W, Greaves C, Warren M (2005). The creation of prosodically transcribed intercultural corpus: The Hong Kong Corpus of Spoken English (prosodic), ICAME Journal, vol. 29 (pg. 47-68), April 2005.


Seto, Wood-hung Andy (2016). A corpus-driven study of speech acts in the Hong Kong corpus of spoken English (HKCSE) (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from https://theses.lib.polyu.edu.hk/handle/200/8722


There are currently 45,372 annotated English spoken utterances in the HKCSE-SAC with 69 speech act types.

  • You can search for a word, e.g. well, perfect, okay, a marker, e.g. er, or a phrase, e.g. very good, not sure, you know, and find examples of its use in its co-text in the eight business scenarios.

  • You can also search for a particular Speech Act that corresponds to the search word/phrase specified.

  • Put an asterisk (*) in the search word/phrase field will search for any word/phrase, but a Speech Act tag must be specified. The additional word field can be left blank.

  • Search word/phrase accepts alphabets and space only (i.e. A-Z, a-z)



The query results are best viewed in 1680x1050 or larger resolution.


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  • Click here for details of the contents of the HKCSE.

  • The HKCSE-SAC corpus was compiled by Dr. Seto Wood-hung Andy as a part of his Ph.D thesis A corpus-driven study of speech acts in the Hong Kong Corpus of Spoken English (HKCSE). His generosity to share the corpus is gratefully acknowledged.

  • Please note that the contents in the HKCSE do not represent the views of the organisation and/or writer.

  • The work to compile the HKCSE was substantially supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Project No. G-YE86). This support is gratefully acknowledged.