Professional Communication

Professional communication is an area which attracts a considerable amount of interest, both in Hong Kong and internationally. Corporations, associations and professional bodies already exist and attempt to apply available research findings in practical ways, through the design and provision of language training programmes.

Research Excellence

We facilitate joint research and related activities between academics and practitioners in professional communities

RCPCE Corpora
RCPCE Profession-specific Corpora

The collection contains real-life texts, discourses and genres collected from different professional communities and contexts in Hong Kong. Professionals, researchers, teachers, students and other language users can leverage these language resources to enhance their English language proficiency and professional communicative competencies.


List of publications by users of RCPCE Profession-specific Corpora

Current Research
Current research projects of our members

Our members are working on wide range of research projects related to communication and training.


Digital and Virtual Business Communication

On the final day of the Global Advances in Business & Communication (GABC)-the 9th Tricontinental Conference at the University of Antwerp in Belgium, the panel convened to recommend the drafting of a manifesto to sets out an agenda for a systemic line of enquiry in this field and it was agreed the Research Centre for Professional Communication in English (RCPCE) could spearhead and house this initiative.

Call Centre Communication Research

This study aims to provide a pilot study which investigates the discourse of call centres and specifically focusing on the generic and lexico-grammatical features present in these texts.

Attinsighter (beta v0.21)

This tool leverages a powerful language model to analyse and identify the attitude behind text. This work was supported by the GRF of Research Grant Council, Hong Kong SAR (Project No.: PolyU 15603621)

Collaborations and Events

We welcome proposals for Collaborative Research Projects, Seminars or Consultancy for Professional Organisations both from Hong Kong and internationally


Our People

Members and associates of the RCPCE are involved in solid and internationally acclaimed work in (critical) discourse analysis, discourse intonation, intercultural communication studies, language assessment, lexical studies, systemic functional grammar, and so on related to professional contexts