Hong Kong Corpus of Surveying and Construction Engineering

Welcome to the HKCSCE developed by the Research Centre for Professional Communication in English of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The HKCSCE is a large collection of texts collected from the surveying and construction engineering sectors of Hong Kong.

There are currently 5,707,871 words in the HKCSCE.

  • You can search for a word, e.g. engineering, not, or a phrase, e.g. land surveying, a lot of, and find examples of its use in its context.

  • You can also search for an additional word (e.g. survey) in combination with your search word (e.g. quantity) or search phrase (e.g. construction works).

Please select corpus/corpora (max. 90 items)**
Input search word/phrase

Additional word/phrase

Search span
Extended span*

  • You can search for a word or a phrase (e.g. success, governance, growth, regulations, federal.).

  • You can adjust the span width on the left and right of the concordances (10-40 characters).

  • * and specify the number of characters displayed on the left and right of the Search span (20-80 characters)..

  • ** Hold down the Ctrl (MS Windows) / Command (Mac) button to select multiple sub-corpora in the corpus. Maximum 90 items can be selected.

  • *** System allowed maximum number of search results is 10,000 instances.


The default setting displays up to 40 instances. You can click on the link at the top of the page to see all the instances in the HKCSCE.

Click here for: [ Advanced Searches ]



The work to compile the HKCSCE was substantially supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Project No. G-YG10). This support is gratefully acknowledged.

Please note that the contents in the HKCSCE do not represent the views of the organisation and/or writer.


Every effort has been made to contact all the copyright holders to obtain their permission to include the texts contained in the HKCSCE.  We are very grateful to the many organisations that have given their support to the HKCSCE.  Click here for the relevant details of the copyright holders.