Hong Kong Corpus of Surveying and Construction Engineering

The Hong Kong Corpus of Surveying and Construction Engineering (HKCSCE) is an educational and research resource that is publicly available via the website of the Research Centre for Professional Communication in English (RCPCE) http://rcpce.engl.polyu.edu.hk to benefit engineering professionals, academics and students locally and internationally.  It is available to users free of charge and is not used for any commercial purposes. 

The HKCSCE is compiled for users to learn more about the language of Surveying and Construction Engineering, in particular the study of the patterns of use of specific words and phrases.  The HKCSCE corpus searches display only short segments of texts (12 words either side of the word(s) being studied), and therefore the complete texts contained in the HKCSCE are not available to the user to either read in their entirety or to download.  

Contents of the HKCSCE


Text type

AU About Us (712,207 words)
MR Media Releases (2,037,472 words)
PM Publicity Material (614,928 words)
PRD Product Descriptions (682,717 words)
PS Project Summaries (567,950 words)
R Reports (1,092,597 words)

[ HKCSCE Start ]