Hong Kong Corpus of Corporate Governance Reports (HKCCGR)

Welcome to the HKCCGR developed by the Research Centre for Professional Communication in English of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

The one-million word HKCCGR consists of the corporate governance reports of 217 companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. These companies were carefully chosen to reflect the weighting of the four main sectors listed on the exchange (i.e. finance, utilities, property, and commercial and industrial). The moves which comprise the corporate governance reports were identified and 25 sub-corpora were compiled based on each move.

There are currently 1,034,673 words in the HKCCGR.

Please select corpus/corpora (max. 90 items)**
Input search word/phrase

Additional word/phrase

Search span
Extended span*

  • You can search for a word or a phrase (e.g. success, governance, growth, regulations, federal.).

  • You can adjust the span width on the left and right of the concordances (10-40 characters).

  • * and specify the number of characters displayed on the left and right of the Search span (20-80 characters)..

  • ** Hold down the Ctrl (MS Windows) / Command (Mac) button to select multiple sub-corpora in the corpus. Maximum 90 items can be selected.

  • *** System allowed maximum number of search results is 10,000 instances.

The default setting displays up to 40 instances. You can click on the link at the top of the page to see all the instances in the HKCCGR.


Please cite this corpus with following information:

  Warren, M. (2017). Corpus-driven investigation of corporate governance reports. In E Friginal (Ed.). Studies in corpus-based sociolinguistics (pp. 275–292). New York, NY: Routledge. doi: http://hdl.handle.net/10397/71191  



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The compilation of the HKCCGR was substantially supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Project No. PolyU 5440/13H)