Most frequent 2-word concgrams
Hong Kong Corpus of Corporate Governance Reports (HKCCGR)

  • This table of concgrams was generated using an exclusion list which means that the 50 most frequent English words (e.g. the, of, to, in, a) were excluded from the search.
  • The number of instances shown is the concgram, not the co-occurring word. So for example, for the 2-word concgram 'RESOLVED/TIME', in the line "resolved by the Directors from time to time", the co-occurring word 'TIME' would be counted twice, whereas the concgram 'TIME' occurs only once.

      Rank    Word    Co-occurring Word Co-occurring
    word instances
    1   executive   non 4,793
    2   AUDIT   COMMITTEE 4,789
    3   non-executive   non 4,450
    4   DIRECTORS   non 3,615
    5   non-executive   Directors 3,612
    6   Board   DIRECTORS 3,568
    7   control   internal 3,362
    8   committee   REMUNERATION 3,350
    9   executive   independent 3,127
    10   DIRECTORS   independent 3,088
    12   independent   non 2,989
    13   non-executive   independent 2,959
    14   Board   meetings 2,687
    15   Board   committee 2,647
    16   Company   Company's 2,553
    17   committee   NOMINATION 2,305
    18   Company   Directors 2,117
    19   executive   Mr 2,111
    20   out   set 2,106
    21   management   senior 2,071
    22   management   risk 2,048
    23   general   meeting 1,950
    24   AUDIT   internal 1,861
    25   DIRECTORS   executive 1,794
    26   Listing   Rules 1,793
    27   Board   Company 1,718
    28   as   Board 1,574
    29   Board   committees 1,505
    30   as   well 1,461
    31   Chairman   Mr 1,414
    32   during   year 1,396
    33   committee   meetings 1,363
    34   financial   statements 1,363
    35   Board   meeting 1,351
    36   non-executive   Mr 1,346
    37   DIRECTORS   Mr 1,340
    38   DIRECTORS   management 1,331
    39   as   Company 1,323
    40   committee   members 1,322
    41   Hong   Kong 1,312
    42   internal   system 1,297
    43   Company   management 1,289
    44   Company   COMMITTEE 1,284
    45   Board   management 1,257
    46   ended   year 1,248
    47   non-executive   Director 1,245
    48   Group   Group*s 1,242
    49   Director   non 1,238
    50   DIRECTORS   senior 1,212
    51   annual   report 1,197
    52   DIRECTORS   remuneration 1,194
    53   Company   its 1,189
    54   annual   general 1,174
    55   as   Mr 1,174
    56   control   system 1,143
    57   Chief   Executive 1,125
    58   as   Directors 1,086
    59   as   Committee 1,054
    60   committee   management 1,053
    61   December   ended 1,050
    62   December   year 1,045
    63   annual   meeting 1,028
    64   reference   terms 1,024
    65   committee   Mr 1,022
    66   Group   internal 1,008
    67   Mr   Non 1,008
    68   Company   internal 1,006
    69   Director   Mr 980
    70   committee   Chairman 973
    71   Chief   Officer 964
    73   Board   Chairman 957
    75   Board   members 944
    76   AUDIT   Board 942
    77   financial   reporting 928
    78   internal   management 923
    79   Company   Company 919
    80   Company   code 918
    81   as   Director 911
    82   Company   financial 909
    83   committee   Directors 902
    84   Chairman   EXECUTIVE 900
    85   Company   CORPORATE 893
    86   held   meetings 865
    87   Director   independent 863
    88   code   out 862
    89   Company   secretary 861
    90   independent   Mr 849
    91   committee   year 847
    92   code   set 828
    93   code   Governance 825
    94   auditors   external 823
    95   Company   general 823
    96   executive   Officer 823
    97   DIRECTORS   meetings 811
    98   committee   executive 805
    99   Company   Shareholders 804
    100   committee   risk 803
    101   auditor   external 801
    102   Company   Independent 797
    103   control   management 795
    104   Group   management 788
    105   Company   GOVERNANCE 787
    106   general   meetings 786
    107   Board   its 784
    108   LI   Mr 782
    109   Director   executive 781
    110   control   risk 780
    111   committee   during 776
    112   CORPORATE   code 775
    113   Company   control 770
    114   Company   meeting 770
    115   committee   meeting 754
    116   Board   year 746
    117   Board   responsible 740
    118   code   Model 726
    119   code   provisions 723
    120   articles   association 718
    121   committee   established 713
    122   Exchange   Stock 712
    123   controls   INTERNAL 708
    124   election   re 707
    125   DIRECTORS   three 704
    126   committee   terms 701
    127   Board   report 691
    128   Company   year 690
    129   internal   risk 688
    130   DIRECTORS   out 687
    131   re-election   re 682
    132   AUDIT   services 668
    133   as   such 666
    134   committee   held 663
    135   Board   recommendations 657
    136   DIRECTORS   including 653
    137   Chairman   Directors 651
    138   Company   remuneration 650
    139   as   chairman 643
    140   Company   REPORT 643
    141   Board   composition 642
    142   committee   reference 635
    143   Board   held 631
    144   Mr   WANG 631
    145   Chairman   CHIEF 630
    146   Company   Director 630
    147   committee   Member 628
    148   Group   risk 626
    149   DIRECTORS   set 625
    150   code   Directors 624
    151   executive   management 618
    152   annual   Company 614
    153   REMUNERATION   senior 614
    154   AUDIT   Company 611
    155   DIRECTORS   DIRECTORS* 611
    156   held   meeting 607
    157   code   CG 605
    158   Company   Non 605
    159   Board   During 602
    160   DIRECTORS   meeting 591
    162   code   Practices 587
    163   Board   executive 586
    164   executive   remuneration 586
    165   committee   its 584
    166   as   set 582
    167   as   out 580
    168   Board   corporate 577
    169   committee   independent 576
    170   AUDIT   external 571
    171   management   remuneration 569
    172   as   management 567
    173   appointment   Directors 566
    174   Board   independent 566
    175   executive   three 565
    176   financial   internal 564
    177   Board   regular 561
    178   Board   matters 558
    179   effectiveness   internal 558
    180   non-executive   as 558
    182   financial   year 557
    183   as   follows 556
    184   AUDIT   year 553
    185   committee   review 553
    186   code   securities 551
    187   during   period 551
    188   financial   Group 551
    189   Company   website 550
    190   Shareholders   Shareholders* 548
    191   as   Rules 546
    192   committee   set 544
    193   Company   Executive 544
    194   management   system 544
    195   general   Shareholders 541
    196   non-executive   Company 541
    197   CORPORATE   REPORT 539
    198   Board   each 537
    199   as   Audit 536
    200   Board   Remuneration 535

    Last updated on 28 February, 2020


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