Speeches by leaders of Taiwan 1978 - 2021

The corpus contains the written versions of public speeches (Inaugural Addresses, New Year Addresses and National Day Addresses) delivered by a number of different leaders of Taiwan in 1978-2021. The written versions in both English and Traditional Chinese were downloaded from the "Office of the President, Taiwan (ROC)" website.

When the corpus was compiled, the Traditional Chinese version was converted to Simplified Chinese with the use of the online codepage converter. The corpus consists of 135,567 words in English and 432,048 characters in Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.


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  • You can search for a word or a phrase (e.g. 親愛的, 萬歲, 未來, 團結, 和平, 合作).

  • You can adjust the span width on the left and right of the concordances (20-50 characters).

  • * and specify the number of characters displayed on the left and right of the Search span (20-50 characters)..

  • ** Hold down the Ctrl (MS Windows) / Command (Mac) button to select multiple sub-corpora in the corpus.




  • The work to compile the part from 1978 to 2014 of the Corpus in Traditional Chinese was substantially supported by General Research Fund (GRF) funded research project entitled "Cross-linguistic Variation in Conceptual Metaphors" (HKBU1240014). This support is gratefully acknowledged.

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