Addresses by the Hong Kong Governors and
the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executives


The corpus consists a collection of addresses delivered by the Hong Kong Governors and HKSAR Chief Executives in 1984 - 2022 in English and Chinese.


Please select corpus/corpora **
Input search word/phrase

Additional word/phrase

Search span
Extended span*

  • You can search for a word or a phrase (e.g. Hong Kong, 香港, future, 未來, 香港市民, 自由市場.)

  • You can adjust the span width on the left and right of the concordances (20-50 characters).

  • * and specify the number of characters displayed on the left and right of the Search span (20-100 characters)..

  • ** Hold down the Ctrl (MS Windows) / Command (Mac) button to select multiple sub-corpora in the corpus.



  • The work to compile the part from 1984 to 2015 of the Addresses by the Hong Kong Governors and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executives 1984-2018 corpus was substantially supported by General Research Fund (GRF) funded research project entitled "Cross-linguistic Variation in Conceptual Metaphors" (HKBU1240014). This support is gratefully acknowledged.