PRC White Paper Corpus

Welcome to PRC White Paper Corpus PRAWP. The PRAWPC is a large collection of white papers published by the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China. The topics cover human rights, national defense, religious issues, population issues, energy, environmental issues, intellectual property rights, food and drug security, the Internet, Tibet and Xinjiang, etc.

The corpus size is 2,551,535 (Chinese characters).

The segmented Chinese Corpora(both the Simplified Chinese and the Traditional Chinese corpora) are also provided for concordance analysis.

  • You can search for a word, e.g. policy(政策), power(权利/權利), people(人民) or a phrase, e.g. human rights(人权/人權), the Belt and Road(一带一路/一帶一路), and find examples of its use in its context.

  • You can also search for an additional word in combination with your search word, e.g. Chinese(中国/中國) (search word) and people(人民)(additional word), or search phrase, e.g. the Belt and Road(一带一路/一帶一路)(search phrase) and initiative(倡议/倡議) (additional word).

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Extended span*

  • You can search for a word or a phrase (e.g. 人权/人權, 香港,一国两制/一國兩制.)

  • You can adjust the span width on the left and right of the concordances (20-50 characters).

  • * and specify the number of characters displayed on the left and right of the Search span (20-100 characters)..

  • ** Hold down the Ctrl (MS Windows) / Command (Mac) button to select multiple sub-corpora in the corpus.

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